Leaving the hotel lobby for pick up! |
How do you prepare for something you have never done before? Read , ask questions, but you never truly know what it will be like until you go through it and trust the one who orchestrated it all. Pure faith! We have our little girl!!!!
We awoke at 4 am and could not go back to sleep! So we were up for the day, called home and skyped the kids. The wait was long. At 10 we filled out paperwork and then went to have pizza.
Display in mall-Notice Superman "S" is upside down |
Buildings outside our hotel |
Monkey show on street |
Fell asleep between us--one hand touching baba and one snuggled with mama :) |
Loves water-- the tub has a sprayer--she figured it out! |
Daddy's girl soon after pick up. |
Huahua's favorite Nannies. These two hung behind the doorway then finally came out to visit with us. The one on the right bought her the outfit to go home in. They really love her and asked we continue to send pictures of her. Tomorrow we will visit the orphanage. It will be a day of mixed emotions for everyone. |
Loves the curtains in the hotel room--playing peek a boo |
Pushing buttons on baba's phone. She was already working the hotel phone. She will repeat anything we say and use it in the correct context a few minutes later. |
Papa Murphy's pizza-English menu :)
So we continued to patiently wait until 1:30 to leave for the civil affairs building. We loaded in the van with another family who was also going through with their 1st adoption. What a great experience to have together! The van ride their was enough to distract us from any worries or fears. If we made it there alive, the day was going good! Driving in China is sport of some sort, cross between drag racing, demo derby and motocross racing--All with pedestrians, scooters and bicycles, weaving in and out just for fun! Did I mention no seat belts!
The other family's little girl arrived first as we knew she would, as Huahua would be taking her nap. She arrived with a whole group of nannies. We knew she was loved and wow they came with her to support her! They were all so sweet and only three came to greet us and the other two stood behind peeking around the corner watching as a mother would to protect her young. Very sweet to know she was so cared for.
Michael our guide kept telling us how smart she is and without bragging, she really is. Her vocabulary is incredible. Too bad we don;t know what she is saying. She talks with such authority and fluidity as if she were an adult. We just shake our heads and smile. She will take out hands and make us understand what she wants if we don't catch on quick enough. Amazing because he little body was so far deprived of oxygen for so long. She has a cold right now and was hospitalized last week to get fluids and antibiotics to help her get over this. Since she doesn't have a spleen to fight infection, keep praying for her to fight this off. The orphanage gave us two months of heart medications, and she is still on antibiotics to fight this infection/cold.
We give praise for this little girl!!!!
Wow!!!! I can't believe all the smiles. It seems like she feels really comfortable with you both. :)
ReplyDeletei am so happy seeing these pictures. i pray her adjustment will go smoothly and for you too! i cant wait to read moreqq