So with the disappointing news our travel plans to China have changed. Only Justin and Mom will travel to pick up the little guy in hopefully mid september. Dad will hold down the fort with the other 5 kiddos. Prayers are appreciated for this transition of being separated for this extended period of time.
We are closing the gap of our funds needed for travel. We need only $4,000 to complete our fundraising goal! Our adoption support community has been very generous. Thank you for walking beside us as we take this one more step of faith into the unknown. Click on the link for our tax deductable website.
Remember to get your adoption t shirt too on the home page! Or beautiful handmade jewelry through Beth Williams (Just message her on FB)! Easy simple ways to support adoption.
What do you do when it rains alot???? MUD RACES through the track.... and then a bath in the water hose.
Aunt Katie found this treasure sick in an orphanage a little over four years ago.....she was so close to death, with a broken heart. God restores the weak, the lonely, the orphans and brings them home! Katie will always have a special place in our family. She came to visit for a long weekend from Alabama! Thankful for those working to save our children before we even know they are to be ours.
Jordan turned 8 years old and we celebrated with movies, fake fingernails and finally Little America.
This is called STEAM ROLLER!
Birthday BOY Turns FIVE! This face, oh this face!!! Sometimes we wonder what is going on behind those eyes??? Joseph has blossomed this year and has come out of his shell. He feels 100 times better and has become so strong physically with his repaired heart. But with the passing of his birthday we are reminded that he has unknown roots and losses that even our kisses and hugs may never heal. His parents may yearn to know what his life is like now, or even to know he is still alive. Adoption is redemptive but always born from loss and grief. We focus on the smiles but always remember at the root of our blessing there was incredible pain.
Justin is the king of jokes! He has his Dad's personality
This is what happens when Dad tries to play on the playground---he got stuck--literally.
Don't worry Dad the kids will help you get out.
69 cent cones at McDonalds! Happy Birthday!!!!
Don't mess with this police girlie!
A watch for his birthday--doesn't care if he can tell time- just wanted a watch!
Loving the rides.
Of course Jackson was the fastest!
A picture with the cousins at Little America
JACOB WenXiang
Pray for him as he learns of our family through his care package and pictures. Pray for his heart to be prepared for the adoption transition-he will literally feel kidnapped by strangers :( from all he has known. Pray for his heart to remain stable and the ability to endure the stress of a long flight home. Pray for his foster family, for they have poured their hearts into caring and loving him. Adoption is a solution-but it hurts for many people. Pray for the orphans that are left behind....awaiting to be found....
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