Some of her Nannies |
Orphanage buildings--built in 2011, very nice. Designed to hold 15,000 children.
Disappointed is was so foggy, which apparently is
common for the winter time. |
Getting ready to leave---lots of nannies!!!! |
Family photo in the play room where the children were having a snack. She was very tired when we arrived. She had fallen asleep on the way to the orphanage in my lap. We were up for a few hours last night chatting (well she was chatting, I was listening..... she would sit up and ask Mama??? Baba??? and always need to be touching us both! |
This nanny was so emotional and personally stopped us to thank us for adopting Huahua. |
Handing out presents to the nannies. |
Handing out candy to her friends at the orphanage. She wanted Baba to stay close by. |
We visited the orphanage this morning with our guide. Huahua was greeted with an many nannies wanting to hold her and say goodbye. She was a little leery about getting out of the car at first (probably confused) about what was going on. She handed out candy to her friends and we saw where she spent her days. She wanted nothing to do with her crib and we learned she also spent many night sleeping in the nannies bed. Do you see a pattern of possibly being a little spoiled :) You could tell the nannies just loved her so much. They thanked us for giving her a home and we will always be grateful for the care and love they provided to her in these beginning years. They told us she can count to 15. She's no even 3 years old! Too bad we can't understand her. Before nap today I was teaching her body parts in English and I said "Mommy has blue eyes and she will repeat exactly and again minutes later! She is quickly to remember and understand how things work. She has not been exposed to public bathrooms, but acts as confident as can be in the hotel lobby bathroom as if she's been here her entire life!.
Her favorite nanny who was with her during her heart surgery last December 2012. She clung on tight to her. Huahua cried hard and long when we finally left the orphanage. So sad for us to see, but wonderful to know she was attached and bonded to this woman. She will grieve the loss of the "mama" but will most likely bond with us. She has felt love and knows that she was loved.
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