A MIGHTY WARRIOR.....this battle has been fought. AND WON!

He has scars. Lots of battle scars. The physical ones heal first and then slowly the emotional ones. The pokes and unknown, the skittishness. The uneasiness of what is coming, time will heal. We're emotionally exhausted from this battle. Overall the surgery, and recovery went well. He had the usual pain management at first, urology issues and too many people messing down there, chest tubes prematurely eking out (can't imagine why on a constantly moving 2 year old), insomnia, and pesky plural effusions had him readmitted for a fifth chest tube over memorial weekend. Recovery always has it's ups and downs, but we have to keep the perspective on the big picture, of the miracle, he is given. Wen Xiang has a severe form congenital heart disease. It's not fixable. It's managed and though I would never say this about my children, because it gives the disease the power, some would say terminal. So for now, we rejoice in the success of this surgery and the years he has with us. Again in the CHD world chose HOPE!

He is monitored closely now going to the hospital twice a week for x rays watching for plural effusions. Taking seven medications/three times a day. I have learned now to pack an overnight bag....that way you don't stay... that's what I have been told!
Everyone needs a posse of brothers and sisters to stand behind you to help you heal! Visiting day!!
Diving back into life at the pool.