Someone is turning six years old this week. As birthdays are usually a time of joy and celebration for most, they can be a time of mixed feelings for those who are adopted. We enter this week knowing we truly don't even know the day she came into this world and that the day was met with the most uncertain circumstances. We can only speculate what happened for the next month, but we know her mother gave her life and then made a selfless, life changing decision in HOPE of her receiving medical care. A decision that would eventually lead this sweet girl to us. Huahua would endure the next 2.5 years of hardships in an orphanage. Things we will never know and memories she will never forget. Things that would form her into a resilient, yet so dependent, scared little soul. My heart cries or her because I was not there from the beginning. A mother's instinct is to protect her from the pain, the suffering, the losses, but then her story would not be hers. And God's redemption would have never had a chance to be told. The girl has a memory like a vault and wears her scars with fierce honor. She has many battles still to fight....but she will never fight her battles alone again. She stands now with a family, a big one at that, beside her, walking her through, holding her hand, giving her the confidence to know she is loved, deserving and above all, Chosen!
Happy Birthday Xui Shi Hua We love you!
Her tea set...While adopting her in China, I was afraid to buy one of these for my little girl. All the mothers were purchasing these for their little girl's wedding day. This past trip I choose to have HOPE and purchase a tea set for Huahua and pray that my little girl will one day have a special day. For children with congenital heart disease we choose to live in the moment and have tea everyday!
Huahua at 1.5 years, before heart surgery, very very sick. Look at her hand. They called
her the "purple baby."
After her 1st surgery, still needing her family! We were working to come to Ch*na. Summer 2013
She's coming Home with mama and baba-- Dec 2013
Celebrating 3 years home with her family!!
She is not a girlie girl. Stubborn, and opinionated! Likes to be messy, play with worms, investigate with the boys, jump and ride hard and does not like to wear dresses! A pair of jeans and wild hair and she's in her happy place. This smile is a miracle to be six years old and God willing, we pray there are so many more years to come!
This little guy's personality is exploding! He's inquisitiveness is hard to keep up with!
Joseph pretending to be mad! |
As many of you know this little guy is sick often, but his smile and giggles are never far away. He can have snot running down his face, with red swollen eyes and still be laughing away.
As a parent we want so much for our children ....but Sometimes we have to take a step back, look at the big picture and realize this kid has rocked so many feats in the last two years.
Yea, Packer buds.
We would like to invite you over for game night but......our train is slightly full!
Can you tell which one doesn't understand the rules yet? Or maybe he thinks he's in charge!
My mother gave me the gift of sticky notes..... for important things.... and this list is a prayer lists of kiddos who need homes. Yes, these are/were orphans. 13 children, who over the past two years, who have been on my heart to pray for. The check marks represent children I know have gone home to their families. Two I believe most likely went to be with Jesus because their hearts were so broken. The remaining six are still out there waiting ... so I will continue to pray and serve.... because that is what we are called to do.
And one...well ...This is "Dallas" from the above list....I can't imagine these toes not snuggled in my bed.
1 Peter 4:8-11New International Version (NIV)
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.