Yes, raising seven children is hard work. Having five with major medical needs at times can make you want to crawl under the covers and hide...FOREVER! Not because of what they do or don't do, but if you stop to assess the gravity of their lives and needs, anyone with any bit of sanity would run for the hills. This is where our faith comes back into place and the love and support of those around us, carefully placed by God, gives our family the boost the carry on when we lay in the trenches.
I have been recently reading the book by Amy Eldridge called "the heart of the orphan". Amy is the founder of Love without Boundaries. Any incredible nonprofit agency! This organization stepped up when "aunt" Katie (see picture below) rallied to save our Huahua four years ago from certain heart failure! She was a child who needed to have someone fight for her and this organization went to bat for Huahua and provided the lifesaving stage 1 heart surgery for her. Can you imagine this world without Huahua? I simply cannot fathom my life without her.
But with this little girl, our first adopted daughter, our hearts were opened to a whole world of hurt. There is a world of hurt and pain that inevitably becomes life for an adoptive family. As we adopted three more children their trauma and grief become our reality. Likewise, we all have our eyes opened to living with children with chronic life-threatening illnesses and the possibility of losing a loved one way to young to heart disease.
And then there are those faces, no not just faces, real living breathing, someones child left behind in an cold orphanage this winter day without heat, without hope of a family. That hurt carves into my soul the deepest, because I know the redeeming hope of adoption is so close, and it only takes a spark of faith to bring the light to that one child. So would I choose to bring all this hurt on myself and family again......
Amy said in her book to paraphrase she was asked once would it be easier on her if she did not know all this heart breaking things about the orphaned children. As she thought about it, the answer was not a question about whether it would or would not be easier, it came down to once you know the facts ---you need to act. We have a fundamental Biblical responsibility to care for these children. You can not turn away because you might "get hurt" in the crossfire. And really in the end your life will be better for the hurt you experience. She said "When you dare to reach out and take a hand of someone who is hurting, you allow a glimmer of hope that a miracle will grow. And when it does, nothing is more spectacular and humbling at the exact same time."
Our adoption shirts this year said "ADOPTION IS HOPE". Inspired by TRUE Love. What or who makes us act so unreasonably. ( some people may say to have this many high needs children is unreasonable?). Christ died for us. That's true LOVE. So we press on with HOPE in the unseen, hope for healing emotional trauma, hope for medical miracles. Hope in joy that is more than we can ever imagined. Hope for the orphans still awaiting their mamas and babas to bring them home. And with HOPE comes BRAVERY! Because our Hope is in Christ!
One of my passions is capturing pictures of my children. And since four of them came to us later we
missed those opportunities to photograph the younger years. Here's a few snap shots over the years of all children and some things that have shaped our lives and Hope!

About 1 year old (taken by Katie) A few months before she met us!
Her crib in the orphanage, bundled up because there is no heat. With Mama and BABA!!!
After Open heart surgery, Justin kissing her goodbye.
Aunt Katie visiting (from Alabama) her princess :)
4 years old 5 years old
5.5 years old Praise God for miracles!
The picture i fell in love with! On playground in China at orphanage
In China
A few months home- 3.5 years old 4 years old!
Complex open heart surgery...followed by two more surgeries Less than a year later
Yeah he's a handsome 5 year old (and knows it).....another medical miracle. Praise God!
JAMES Feng Nianjie

I prayed for this little face for months and months and months! In the orphanage

Dancing--Outside the orphanage

Almost 7 years old -- finally home! 7.5 years old riding bikes!

Katie and a Chinese crew! 8 years old and so proud of his family
Loving on the dogs
Always confident!
So proud of this young girl.
Finally has a sister! Jordan 6, Huahua 3
Turning 8
The inner beauty radiates as she reflects her love of Jesus.
Justin Ryan
Three years old dancing away
Dirt bikes are his passion. Having a bit of fun while cleaning up the yard.
Justin(6) Jackson(4) Jordan (1)
Being the oldest can be a hard spot to fill, but Justin has rose to the challenge as he has found a special place of compassion in his heart for the little ones. His understanding for creating hope and love for orphans is beyond him in years. So proud of his maturity in seeing the larger picture in what God has called our family to do.
Tenacity and determination!
Jackson could not wait for his brother (James) to get home! this was in 2014.
This kid smiles despite the battle scars! Scars tell our story. And God had protected us and provided through every battle and thankfully we live knowing the war has already been won for us!
People wonder how you fall in love with a child you have never met..... well this is how.....just look at this guy..... and I was in the hospital with Joseph at the time....come on.....crazy....

Blood is not thicker........ than sisters