James is now onto a walking cast. Six weeks in this and then onto a PFO. He's been learning to walk again and strengthen his leg. His foot and ankle have never been in this position before. We had a little resistance at the beginning, but he is starting to enjoy the freedom that comes with walking.
We celebrated Mother's Day at the park on Saturday with pizza and breakfast in bed. A treat for ME!
That Joseph's Bad Boy face! He's feeling more comfortable within the family dynamics which means----I test the boundaries--ALOT!!! Part of being 4 and a BOY! And of course his hearts feels 1000x better....so test away buddy! Thankfully he's not our first rodeo!
Justin and Jackson laying it out at the races. We celebrated Mother's Day at Aztalan. Selling our adoption shirts and had huge support from the riders! Thank you MX riders! Justin rode around the pits with his shirt on as a moving advertisement. So proud of how our kids understand the importance of what our family is doing and love to share the joy in their hearts!
This little girl was our first adoption and taught me more about wearing my heart outside of my own body than anyone ever will. My idea of motherhood and selflessness was changed the day we said yes to this life. Tens, maybe even hundreds of people said No to her life. Only one had to say you are worthy. Ryan and I said you are worthy because Huahua are created in God's image and her life has more meaning than words can express. The leap of faith to adopt her was only possible because of the gospel. The idea we know Christ died for us to pay the eternal penalty for us. When he called us to adopt a very, very sick girl we said Yes! Yes, we knew her heart was not well and yes we knew she needed surgery and...... yes, we know her heart would still eventually fail. We know her life is a gift, not guaranteed. Every Day with her is..... A. Gift. From. God. And that is why has this little girl, with her resilient, sassy, spicy self, has taught me about being a mother. Live in the moment. Enjoy the day given and Do not fear tomorrow-For it may never come.
So our family probably defies the normal look of a family. But we choose to live on the edge. Five children with special medical needs. Yes-- we choose four of them! Well God Choose THEM for US! But We willingly said YES, because in the end we choose to live in this world under the assumption--- God will Show UP and make himself known through us and our children. He provides again and again...day after day! We are secure in Him!
Here's Joseph catching a ride on grandpa's shoulder's cheering on his brothers. |
This is Huahua (Jessica) at about one year old. Notice the similarities between her and our youngest son we are rushing to adopt. The red cheeks (poor circulation), cyanosis, clubbing fingers. We are rushing to him. We may have been a bit more naive, medically speaking, when we adopted her, but we know the danger is real now to expedite him and get him home. I want to hold him in my arms. Please pray for the Lord to protect his health until we can bring him home safely.
Donation of $20 welcomed.
Email lkietzke@hotmail.com
Prayer requests: *Pray for immigration to decide favorably to expedite his case.
*Praise Homestudy is wrapped up and finalized!!!
*Praise USCIS fingerprints DONE!
*All but two Dossier paperwork documents being authenticated by Chinese consulate in Chicago this week. Awaiting two final documents
*Pray for Wen Xiang's heart health
*Financial provisions for adoption and a new van! I love this quote/picture below from Francis Chan and as fun as the picture looks for awhile---not reasonable for us everyday! Our 8 passenger SUV is going to be retired for a larger vehicle to fit our new family of NINE!