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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Preparing for Christmas

As my favorite holiday approaches, I reflect on our family.  A whirlwind year, full of blessings, gifts, expectations, a trip across the ocean, challenges, grief, loss, love, smiles, joy, and undeniable HOPE.

Last night while cleaning up our dinner table, I glanced at James' table spot, littered with rice and meat, and smirked.  I asked him with a quiet smile, who sat here?  He was washing the table anyway. He loves to help in anyway he can.  He smiled back with a grin and said in his big voice, "Me!  and my fork did not work well!"  Oh that perspective he has on life will take him far.  He does not recognize his hands are a setting him back or causing him to be clumsy.  James just goes without complaining and Goes BIG!   Everything James does is BIG!  His VOICE is BIG, actually we find it a bit LOUD!  His actions are BIG!  But his smiles are also very BIG, his enthusiasm is BIG and his fight for LOVE is BIG! His heart is BIG!  He never gave up the HOPE of being loved by a family.  James opened up his present from grandma and the first thing he wanted to do was share it with his brothers and sisters.  A humble heart is going to take him far.  God has so much for him in life.  We have seen his friends and classroom blossom at school.  He is a social entertainer!  So next time you see BIG James coming by I hope you too see the BIG heart he wears on his BIG smiling face.

The little heart duo is doing well.  If their birthdays weren't 5 months apart I would swear they were twins.  They love to wrestle and play everything together.  Amazement strikes me to know they have only known each other for 9 months.  Huahua would give her life for him in an instant!  It's so precious the bond that can grow between our children.  Joseph will have his cardio check and echocardiogram tomorrow.  That will give us a good idea how his true heart function is doing.  He needs to gain weight, that is obvious by his falling down pants!

Jackson is still casted in a hard cast.  He will be until early January and then a "soft" cast/sling of some sort.   He is having a rough time with this break.  Being on the side line is hard-watching is refining and not so easy for a 9 year old boy!  He has had some really difficult days.  Please pray for him to see the good in this time too.

In closing I would like to reflect on a statement I read from another "heart" mother. When we have children with medical needs, life can be a bit uncertain.   As Christians, we have given our lives over to the service of the Lord.  We take Joy in that.  We have many blessings, but also trials of this world that everyone goes through.  We choose to have our focus in the Joy of today and not of the uncertainty of tomorrow.   We know when the trials come, we have the Lord to walk us through, no matter the outcome.  Yes, it does not always turn out rosy, but this world is not the end.  Heaven is--and that is our eternal HOPE!  This Christmas season, see the Joy and the Hope we have right in front of us.  Look for it and see it.  Love and treasure every moment of it, even if it comes in really loud, annoying, messy ways.

These two are chipping out the ice in the dog's bowl that was left outside for the stray dog.  Bubba wants to know what's going on with his bowl?  Would it be easier to just dump out the bowl?  Yes, but not as fun!

Yep, I know I am stunningly handsome!  (even with his shirt on backwards!)  We're convinced it's part of his situs inversus!

She is concentrating very hard on this.....

   That's a .....can I eat more of these ??? See the kid in the background waiting for my response too?
Joseph did not like to touch frosting....so he threw the candy.  Worked good for him

ARTIST AT WORK!  There was not left without a candy when he was done!

The mouth in the background looks stuffed with candy :)
Let the madness begin!!!!!

Poor kid can't keep his pants to stay on!  Trying to get him to put some weight on!!!!  He eats and eats and eats, but nothing!

And yes the pants are usually on backwards....we gave up trying to keep them on the correct way.  Pick your battles!

 HIS FIRST SNOWFALL.  A MIXED REACTION.  A LOVE-- HATE RELATIONSHIP for him!  He likes to play in it, but does not like the cold!  Sorry, but they go together.

                                 Huahua showed them how to play in the snow.
                                                                This guy loved it too
First time decorating a Christmas tree with his family.

           Christmas ornaments were quite exciting for James!  First time for him.  As he made more at school he brought them home and continued to decorate the tree.
The youngest always gets to hang the angel.

Jackson hanging out with his friend, Nolan.

Jackson's district 16 awards!

Justin's District 16 awards!

ONE FINAL exciting thing happening this Christmas season.....We had the opportunity to share our family story of adoption and children with special needs with the WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL and the story is to run on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!  Praying that many hearts with be touched, God will be glorified and next Christmas there will be less children wondering who will be their mother and father and a few more children snuggled in their homes!