Ecclesiastes 3:11-14New International Version (NIV)
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.
Raising children is a gift from God. It took me a few years to accept that this is where God wants me to be and to find true pleasure in my new "occupation". Raising children is a blessing from God and treasured gift but let's face it sometimes really hard. And while I enjoy most days, I am reminded, we purposefully chose really medically needy children because that's where God called us! Our faith has been tested to the max at times, but today as Ryan and I sat awaiting another child to come out of surgery, all I could do is be thankful. I am thankful my son could fall break his arm in two places and I did not falter. My faith did not shake. Yes, I was sad for him and the basketball season he will miss and the hard lessons he will have to learn again from the sidelines. But this is the season I know he will also grow the most. Jackson had surgery, top notch medical care, pain relief, a family to walk beside him, a church body praying for him, an extended community body rallying for him to get better. He is safe, He will live. I never feared for him and how would we handle this. Would the hospital have room or how would we pay for this, never crossed my mind? We are privileged. Not only in a monetary sense, but also in the sense that we know the One who orchestrates the plans for our lives in that we have faith and can calmly enter into crisis matter what happens.....God is in control. This same boy, a little over three years ago (Sept 2012), said the most powerful wisdom filled words "God has a reason for me breaking my leg" after a long nine month process to lengthen his femur. Six months later we would realize God was calling our family to special needs adoption! He was using our really hard times to point us to HIM and children with really special needs-like single ventricle hearts. Who knew in the next three years we would have three special needs children from China? Well you know the answer to that!
SO please do not feel sorry for us in this situation. It's just part of life orchestrated by the Mighty One. Yes, part of it sucks for Jackson, but part of it will be glorious, as we see what comes out on the other side of this. As we endure and watch in anticipation miraculous things, Jackson will come out on the other side stronger because of it, because he too has faith. And for that I am immensely grateful.
So medically speaking--Jackson broke the radial bone near the tip of the socket and the ulna bone mid way down while attempting a jump off the swing. Yes, we have boys and apparently we're safer on dirt bikes with protective gear! So many things have pointed to God being in control of this situation. The first plan last night in ER was to move the radial bone back into place. He already had his light sedation and then his surgeon (yes, we call him our private surgeon) Noonan called in and said don't touch him and scheduled his surgery for 7:30 am. We are very thankful for this, as we trust Noonan with Jackson's care. This morning two rods were placed, one in the ulna bone going towards the hand and one in the radial bone going towards the elbow. He has compartment syndrome, which is a rare swelling complication where they had to releave the pressure with an incision and put in a suction device and drain the excess fluid. The device remains in with the open wound site until Wednesday when they hope to close the site in surgery, if the swelling is down. Pray that he does not need a skin graph to cover the wound and infection stays at bay. He will remained hospitalized until then. Ryan has been staying with him overnight.
Tonight he went for his first walk to the play room with Dad. He said he went bowling right-handed. Yes, he is left handed, so writing will be out for awhile. Although he did figure out how to play the sony playstation one handed. He is also the kid who they said would not be able to get around with a body cast on or that fixator on, etc and where there is a will, Jackson finds a way!
Jordan so thoughtfully packed up his bag with me last night. She picked out all his favorite cuddle things and books to read to make his hospital stay better.
Dad and Jackson playing Playstation. Dad was steering and Jackson was ALL GAS. Go figure! Good to see him smiling, even if it's drug induced. |
His little siblings were at the hospital part of the day. A good friend took them for awhile to play. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help out. We truly appreciate and feel the love and support of our friends, family and church!